Using "Release" minification (Proguard) in Unity - 이슈정리


Using "Release" minification (Proguard) in Unity

Hi, Dust off this thread to ask for a clarification. The errors reported by users after minification, were given by what? What did these errors cause? Failure of the build? Or did the build work and the ads didn't? Or did both build and ads work but someti


위의 문제에 대한 해결 방안에 대한 제시.


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: · Issue #598 · googleads/googleads-mobile-unity

This is what I get in logcat on an android device. I tried everything. Reimporting Google Play Games plugin, resolving jars, setting up play games services again, reimporting AdMob, nothing helps. ...




@VladNazar Hey, this is my proguard file, I realy hope it helps you in some way. I know how it is with these bugs, very frustrating.

-dontwarn co
-keep class com.facebook.** {
-keep class co** {
-keep public class co**{
   public *;
-keep public class co**{
   public *;
-keepattributes *Annotation*

위와같이 커스텀 프로가드 파일을 수정해서 만들면 googleads sdk 를 제외할 수 있다고함. 

차후에 커스텀할때 문제가 될 여지가 있는 부분을 커스텀파일로 제외해볼것. 


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